Wednesday 19 August 2015

Major Changes in ASP.NET and MVC6 That You Should Know

Many of you all may have noticed some of the major changes in the current beta release of ASP.NET5. Providing information on ASP.NET5, it is the most widely accepted new release of ASP.NET in this history of the ASP.NET framework.

Moreover, the language has been rewritten from the ground up. If you don’t have complete information about the major changes of ASP.NET and MVC6, you can continue reading this blog post and find important changes of ASP.NET5.

ASP.NET on OSX and Linux –

In the history of ASP.NET, for the very first time, you can run ASP.NET 5 applications on OSX and Linux. Now, ASP.NET5 applications are running on Windows, Linux and OSX. And it is one major factor that opens up ASP.NET to a whole new audience of developers as well as designers.

When it comes to the traditional audience for ASP.NET, it is professional developers, who are working in a corporation. However, corporate customers are joined to their Windows machines. Moreover, startups lean to make use of OSX/Linux. The main point is that all these people are not the traditional users of ASP.NET. In addition to this, designers as well as front-end developers also tend to make use of Macbook Pros.

Enabling ASP.NET 5 to run on Windows, Linux and OSX changes everything. All the professional developers and designers can begin with developing applications with ASP.NET 5. They can make use of their favorite development environments like WebStorm and Sublime Text while working with ASP.NET applications. Let’s have a look at OmniSharp project to know how you can make use of editors like Sublime Text, Emacs, Atom, Brackets with ASP.NET 5.

No More Visual Basic –

Now, it is right time to say good bye to Visual Basic. ASP.NET 5 supports C# and Visual Basic is left behind. All the people were hoping that this change won’t be too painful. However, there are only two people in the world, who are developing MVC apps in Visual Basic. And it is right time for them to stop it. There are numerous automatic converters for going from Visual Basic to C#.

Tag Helpers –

When it comes to talking about Tag Helpers, it is the best feature, which might have the biggest impact on the way that you can develop your own views in an ASP.NET MVC application. Tag helpers are the best alternative to using traditional MVC helpers. One can consider the following MVC view, which contains a form for developing a new product:

@model MyProject.Models.Product
@using (Html.BeginForm())
@Html.LabelFor(m => p.Name, "Name:")
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => p.Name)
<input type="submit" value="Create" />

In the above mention, the HTML.BeginForm(),Html.LabelFor(), and Html.TextBoxFor() helpers are used to develop the form. These helpers would not be familiar to an HTML designer. Let’s have a look at how the exact same form can be developed by using Tag Helpers:

@model MyProject.Models.Product
@addtaghelper "Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.TagHelpers"
<form asp-controller="Products" asp-action="Create" method="post">
<label asp-for="Name">Name:</label>
<input asp-for="Name" />
<input type="submit" value="Save" />

You can also notice that this new version of the form comes with HTML elements. For instance, the form contains an INPUT element rather than an html.TectBoxFor() helper. A front-end designer would be fine with this page. However, the best thing about this special is the special asp-for attributes. These attributes can be used to extend the elements with server-side ASP.NET MVC functionality.


For developing Single Page Applications (SPAs), AngularJS is the best client-side framework. Visual Studio 2015 comes with templates for developing AngularJS modules, directives, controllers and factories.

In ASP.NET 5, the support for GruntJS makes ASP.NET a great server-side framework for developing client-side AngularJS apps. You can also join and minify all the AngularJS files automatically whenever you achieve a build. With an MVC 6 controller, you can easily interact from an Angular JS $resource using REST.

Unified MVC and Web API Controllers

In the earlier version of ASP.NET MVC, MVC controllers were completely different than Web API controllers. However, MVC controllers are making use of the system.Web.MVC.Controller base class and a Web API controller used the system.Web.Http.ApiController base class.

One can see that there is one and only one Controller class, which is the base class for both MVC and Web API controllers in MVC 6. There is only the Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Controller class. An IActionResult has been returned by MVC 6.

At the time of using an MVC controller, the IActionResult might be a view. While using a Web API controller, the IActionResult might be data. Both MVC controllers as well as Web API controllers can use the same routes in MVC 6. However, user can make use of either convention-based routes or attribute routes.

Stay connected with us to get more information about ASP.NET. However, you can also hire an experienced ASP.NET developer from any trusted ASP.NET development company and get an instant solution.

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